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How to use growth hacking to retain customers?

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How to Use Growth Hacking To Attract and Retain Customers


Whether a startup or a renowned enterprise, you always strive to acquire new customers to grow your business. But before that, you also need to focus on retaining your existing customer base under a SaaS marketing agency.

While customer acquisition is finding new clients for your business, retention is keeping customers you already have. This process is essential for growth marketing for B2B businesses under a growth hacking agency. After all, getting new customers without catering to your existing ones won’t grow your business.

Customer retention helps you build a loyal customer base, doubles to repeat purchases, more profitability, and an increase in customer lifetime value under a SaaS marketing agency.

Recurring customers are likelier to give positive feedback about your products and services, helping you get free promotions to their family and friends under a growth hacking agency.

It also means that existing customers are more likely to pay for premium services.


We help SaaS companies build sustainable lead channels through SEO, Content marketing, Guest blogging, Social media marketing, and personal outreach.

Growth hacking strategies to retain customers:

Email drip campaign

Email drip campaigns are pre-written automated email campaigns. They are on autopilot based on the customer journey stage a potential lead is on under a SaaS marketing agency. These emails are focused on converting disengaged users into customers.

Email drip campaigns educate users by sharing relevant information about each buyer’s journey stage to help coax customers to convert under a growth hacking agency.

From sales to reminders and deals, these campaigns are adept at capturing your audience’s attention and converting them into active customers under a SaaS marketing agency.

Drip campaigns aimed at customer retention help businesses reduce churn rates, increase customer engagement, and facilitate customers to understand the value of the brand’s products better under a growth hacking agency.


Chatbots are an indispensable part of any modern business. They are incorporated into your website to help customers with answers to common questions under a SaaS marketing agency.

After all, the business new box states that more than 82 percent of customers look for immediate responses from businesses and won’t hesitate to drop them if they don’t respond adequately under a growth hacking agency.

Chatbots are instrumental when you don’t have any customer service agents available or your team is faced with overwhelming traffic under a SaaS marketing agency.

You can also use chatbots to collect customer data and gain insights into behavioral patterns that can help you design better customer retention strategies under a growth hacking agency.

Reviews, testimonials, and feedback

A report shows that 92 percent of individuals check for reviews before they make any purchase decision. Testimonials and reviews are first-hand information sources for your target customers under a SaaS marketing agency.

It helps them learn if your products or services will resolve specific issues and boosts your customers’ trust in your brand’s ability to provide what they need under a growth hacking agency.


The number one growth strategy that you should use is referrals. Customers satisfied with your services can become your promoters, encouraging their family and friends to use your product or service under a SaaS marketing agency.

Referral marketing has also been instrumental in creating demand for products and services. Try using referrals by giving influencers promotional codes that provide them with a percentage of the sales made when their audience purchases with it.

Constant re-evaluation

Marketing strategies you’ve used in the past may no longer add value. It would help to re-evaluate your plan as your audience’s needs change constantly. Doing this will keep your business up-to-date with what is and isn’t working and help you optimize when appropriate under a SaaS marketing agency.

Being on the constant hunt for opportunities that add value to your existing customer base will help you sustain your business and improve your retention rate under a growth hacking agency.

Schedule A/B testing

Please pay attention to the performance of your website, whether it is the load time or the bounce rate. It is impossible to wait for the customer’s responsibility to fix the issue under a SaaS marketing agency.

So, you should ensure A/B testing is arranged so you can know about the website’s performance and implement strategies on time to help the business grow under a growth hacking agency.

Create a loyalty program

Loyalty programs should be a crucial aspect of the customer retention system. Usually, these programs reward customers by offering incentives on their next purchase.

After customers join your loyalty program, you can make them feel special by offering them tempting offers under a SaaS marketing agency.

Offer value through content.

One of the best ways to keep your customers happy is to allow them to get as much as possible from your products and service under a SaaS marketing agency.

Each time a customer is on board, you shouldn’t leave them in the dark about how you want to use a particular product or do specific tasks under a growth hacking agency.

Underpromise and overdeliver

One of the best methods to enhance your customer retention rate is to over-deliver. See that your customers are impressed with what you offer and always do more of what’s expected from you under a SaaS marketing agency.

When you are above and beyond, you can offer your customers things they didn’t expect, allowing them to become loyal advocates of your brand under a growth hacking agency.

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